Pull Request

We highly recommend using IntelliJ to work on this project. Please make sure to install the plugins:

We appreciate all contributions whether it be small changes such as documentation of source code to major improvement of code. The easiest way is to make a fork and then make a pull request into our develop branch.

Before you create a pull request make sure to check the following:

  • You have not introduced circular dependencies in the project? For example, kryptokrona-core is using kryptokrona-util, and kryptokrona-util is using kryptokrona-core?
  • Have you run detekt (static code analysis) locally and fixed the errors?
  • Have you run kover (code coverage) to check if it's at least above 60%?
  • Have you run all unit tests and it passed?
  • If you created new functionality, have you made unit test(s) to cover it?
  • Have you read through
    Branching and Merging